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Old August 29, 2002, 02:23 PM   #4
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Copyright 2002 The Age Company Limited
The Age (Melbourne)

August 27, 2002 Tuesday

SECTION: News; Pg. 5

LENGTH: 347 words

HEADLINE: Blunt Words To Fight Sharp Weapons

BYLINE: Richard Baker

An advertising campaign that brands young armed assailants "wankers" and "[color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color][color=#FF0000]█[/color]s" is the Victorian Government's latest attempt to curb attacks involving knives and other weapons.

The $550,000 print and radio campaign began yesterday as the Alfred Hospital reported a 110 per cent increase in major injuries caused by knives during the past year.

Police Minister Andre Haermeyer said he was concerned that an increasing number of children and young men were carrying weapons for self-defence and because they thought it was "cool" or tough. Statistics showed the use of weapons in assaults in Victoria increased by almost 38 per cent last financial year.

In 2000-01, the Alfred treated 25 injuries - none fatal - from attacks with weapons. In 2001-02 there were two deaths and 45 injuries. The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons said the number of deaths from knife wounds was rising.

Mr Haermeyer said: "This dangerous trend towards carrying weapons shows that we have to get the message out that young people who do so are not just breaking the law, they are putting themselves, and their friends and families at serious risk."

He said the advertising campaign warned that weapons could be easily used against their carriers.

The advertisements, which will be displayed at nightclubs, warn of tough new penalties for possessing a weapon, including 12 months' jail or a $12,000 fine.

The government believes the colourful language will have more impact on its target audience of young males because it is "consistent with the vernacular of Melbourne's young people".

Mr Haermeyer said the government was developing legislation for the spring session of parliament to give police greater powers to search people suspected of carrying weapons.

Police stations will begin receiving this week 420 metal detectors to help in the search for weapons.

State Opposition police spokesman Kim Wells said he supported moves to reduce the number of people carrying knives but accused the government of doing little in recent years to combat aggressive crime.
"That a free citizen should have to go before a committee, hat in hand, and pray for permission to bear arms - fantastic! Arm your daughter, sir, and pay no attention to petty bureaucrats." Robert Heinlein - Red Planet
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