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Old September 27, 2005, 11:10 AM   #51
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Jsp98m3 Wrote:

Its not stupid. It's idiotic, on the verge of moronic.
You said it. The point is that even as a joke, those kind of statements are at the very least in bad taste. There are alot of inexperienced people who visit and view this forum, and that type of statement could easily be taken the wrong way by someone.

But if I went by statistics, I'd have to take LEO as my numero uno threat to life and limb from attack with a deadly weapon.
Why is that? Are you someone who regularly engages in stupid or criminal acts? I have never in my life been afraid of the police. Only criminals are AFRAID of the police. Your statement puts law enforcement in a bad light, period. And considering your present company, I think it would be wise, and POLITE it retract it....
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Old September 27, 2005, 12:12 PM   #52
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What kind of conditioner would you recomend on a GP100?
I like the Lorial "wild Cherry" shampoo but I need a good conditioner to get those tangles out.

Also is it consided un PC not to wear shorts when showing together?
I mean my Ruger is ONLY 6" long so I wouldn't want it to feel "small" or anything...
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Old September 27, 2005, 12:54 PM   #53
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Since this thread began with a story about women...since I'm a'll give my .02 if ya'll don't mind...

1. Whoever said, "more physically vulnerable to rapes and beatings" as far as women go....ummm...I'm sorry, gotta diasgree with that statement. I'm not Ahnold, but if I can't get to my weapon, I still know hoe to make YOU come to your knees....and it ain't gonna be pleasurable.
(I just think that statement was an oversimplification of "how" women "are")

2. If you want to pack in the bathroom, fine. If you don't, fine.
Myself? I need not worry. I was smart enough to place the master bathroom right on the other side of the front door when we constructed the house. No matter if the fan is on and the shower's running full blast...if someone comes up to the porch, I can hear them fine.
If that were to ever happen, the weapon I "use", located in the bedroom, has the ability to harm through the sheetrock. "Out of sight, out of time." lol

The only other entrance is the back door which always remains locked and bolted unless my "babies" are outside. And, then, there is a fenced-in backyard. If a perp did get by the fence, I guarantee you he/she will NOT be able to get off a shot with the mighty size hole in their tooshie.

3. As far as the story goes.....there's always more to it than the media, or whoever reported it, would probably like us to know. Were these women careless, did they "open" themselves up? If they did, then the incident, imho is 1/2 their fault.
I would also like to make sure that this point is clear....gunsmoke is not always required for protection, especially inside of the home. Women, as most men would have it, need to be aware of their surroundings, and know what could be used as a weapon at all times. They also need to take at least one GOOD S.D. class.

BTW, yes, I have had a similar situation happen to me. However, I was not in the shower, I was doing my makeup. Heard the rattle, grabbed the 12ga riot. Went to the "place" that is audible, yet I'm protected. Didn't say a word. The shick-shick on the pump chambering a round made whoever it was go, "HOLY $%#&$!!!!" Never happened again.

So, thank you very much...I can hold my own as a woman, and I can hold it without having to pack in the shower. (Plus...what could be more of a bummer for MY relaxation time, but to see my "buddy" laying beside me?)

Love Ya'll!
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Old September 27, 2005, 01:06 PM   #54
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I had to say something because I just got out of the shower with my glock 30. Last week I left my house for less than a half an hour around noon ... come back home and lo and behold lots of stuff is missing. Call me paranoid etc. but until i move, the gun is coming in the shower, car, bed, living room, kitchen etc. etc. 10 + 1 of .45 is a force to be reckoned with. And who so ever breaks in while I'm here, may God help them for I most surely won't.

moral of the story. don't make fun of anyone for carrying in a particular place. The SHTF when you least expect it... even when you may be taking a $#*! yourself!

p.s. Thank you Glock for the tennifer finish just for situations like these!
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Old September 27, 2005, 03:57 PM   #55
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JSP, are you sure the only ones carrying lethal weapons in San Diego are the cops?

But if I went by statistics, I'd have to take LEO as my numero uno threat to life and limb from attack with a deadly weapon.
I'd like to see those statistics. Do you have a link?
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Old September 27, 2005, 06:04 PM   #56
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The police are the largest cohesive group carrying in SD County.

The police in San Diego County and LA County have a long history of as a questionable shootings.

Like about 7 years ago when about 7 or 8 of them surrounded a man with a stick at a street corner. He homeless whacked out Vietnam vet. He had a stick less than one inch in diameter about 5 feet long. There were 5-7 cops in a circle around him. After they got themselves all collectively terrified of this 150+ guy with a stick, they sent in the police dog. Don't know what escalated it but then again, neither do the police, who's first story was nullified by the unseen news chopper crew and film overhead. Doh!

Anyway, without this guy presenting a direct threat, they started shooting. Lots. They even hit their own fricking dog.

Then how about the sailor that they claimed was high on PCP and destroying private property. They shot him 11 or 12 times in the street. Claimed he was higher than a kite and started smashing cars.

Uh-huh. He was NOT high. He smashed his fist into his own car. One time. Before the police arrived. Seemed his wife was doing another man while he was on deployment and SHE called the cops to report he was high. They never talked to him. And she wasn't credible because she called in anonymously to get him carted off so her and lover boy could get back to it.

I think the navy sued the city over that one.

As for sources, do your own. The local paper is the San Diego Tribune.

Any of you see the San Pedro shooting on TV? Locals know what I'm talking about.

And yet, I'm not scared of the police in the least. But I also don't care if the police feel insulted by my eyes wide open opinion of them either. Not all, but some. And they are either under-trained or something. Because in CA, when one shoots, they all shoot. Not that they hit anything effectively. Usually its 25-200 shots fired and 2 hits. But the neighborhood gets to touch up the stucco....
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Old September 27, 2005, 06:31 PM   #57
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As for sources, do your own.
No. If you're going to claim the police have all the weapons in San Diego, back it up. If you claim you have more chance of getting shot by a cop than attcked by a crook in San Diego, back it up. You make claims, you show me the stats. Otherwise, I'm calling B.S. Prove me wrong.
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Old September 27, 2005, 06:49 PM   #58
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JSP, good post.
Cops have a tough job and I have a lot of sympathy. But since they recruit from the public like everyone else they end up with some real stink pots sometimes. Some locales seem worse than others and I would guess some PDs just have a bad culture.
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Old September 27, 2005, 07:12 PM   #59
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Maybe I should clarify this. I'm not saying there are no bad cops. What I am saying is I doubt that you have disarmed all the bad guys with your effective California gun laws. I doubt you stand a better chance with the criminals than the cops. I doubt you have statistics that back up your position. All I see are two news stories from sources that have obvious media bias.
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Old September 29, 2005, 11:08 PM   #60
Randy in Arizona
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Well I have heard of a man in New Mexico that showered with his M60, (Not S&W) but he was trying to get all the dust out that had blown into it while he was out shooting.
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Old September 29, 2005, 11:52 PM   #61
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1. Whoever said, "more physically vulnerable to rapes and beatings" as far as women go....ummm...I'm sorry, gotta diasgree with that statement. I'm not Ahnold, but if I can't get to my weapon, I still know hoe to make YOU come to your knees....and it ain't gonna be pleasurable.
(I just think that statement was an oversimplification of "how" women "are")
sreising ~

You could look it up: most rapes and sexual assaults are perpetrated upon women, not upon men. Simply being female makes you a target for some crimes in a way that you would not be if you were male.

You could look this up, too: generally speaking, men have more upper-body strength than women do. They generally have more endurance, and generally mass more than women do. This gives them the edge in any physical altercation, no matter how well-trained the woman is. The edge can be overcome, but to deny it's there is really foolish. Part of being well trained is making a realistic survey of your strengths and weaknesses.

Furthermore, few criminals attack people they don't think they can take down. Females get attacked at a greater rate than men do; in part, this is because criminals themselves believe that women are easier targets than men are. If anyone would know, wouldn't you think the guy who does it for a living would?

Like you, I've taken a fair number of physical self-defense classes and know how to bring an attacker to his knees. It bothers me when people make general statements about any group (including women) and then proceed to act as though the general statement is true in each individual case.

Nevertheless, it is still a factually true statement that women are more vulnerable to these types of attacks than men are.


Oh, carrying a gun in the shower? Heh. I decided years ago that my gun would stay on my hip every hour I was awake and dressed. When I shower, I disrobe in the bathroom; thus my gun is locked in with me, and is not available for my children to toy with in the next room. Of course I could use it if attacked, but mostly it's just a matter of keeping it within my physical control and out of the hands of the hooligans I'm raising.

Kathy Jackson
My personal website: Cornered Cat
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Old September 30, 2005, 12:05 AM   #62
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"Well I have heard of a man in New Mexico that showered with his M60, (Not S&W) but he was trying to get all the dust out that had blown into it while he was out shooting."

I must admit i did that(hot wash) several times to my weapons while in the big sandbox, the fine micro dust and sand will dirty it up like nothing else.
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Old September 30, 2005, 01:39 AM   #63
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I take rather long, quite hot showers at the end of the duty day. The only way I would know that a BG tried to break in was when my 100lb rottie/ ridgeback mix didn't want dinner because he was full of the BG he ate when I wasn't looking... (bad dog! you don't know where he's been! )

Nothing paranoid about it. Considering you cant hear much with the fan on and water running I'd say carrying in the bathroom is a good idea. It might also be a good idea to beef up the locks on the door also I know my bathroom door lock could broken easily. Also you could walk out into an ambush so you might want to have the gun in hand when you exit since you could be the last one alive.
Gotta quibble on this one, with no disrespect intended. Two of the finest Soldiers I ever served with were female National Guard MPs. One was a Sheriff's deputy in real life. Both were fit, well trained (both shot and attended Martial Arts classes on their own time) and had a warrior mindset. I'd team with them in a heartbeat. They were two really good troops. That being said, any male of equivelent training and fitness would overmatch them... their only advantage, and they knew it, was being better trained and in better shape than any potential opponent, enough so to overcome any natural size or strength advantage. They also knew that, even with all their training, it was very likely they would face adversaries who overmatched them physically. You have to have a realistic assessment of the threat and your ability to counter that threat.

Whoever said, "more physically vulnerable to rapes and beatings" as far as women go....ummm...I'm sorry, gotta diasgree with that statement. I'm not Ahnold, but if I can't get to my weapon, I still know hoe to make YOU come to your knees....and it ain't gonna be pleasurable.
(I just think that statement was an oversimplification of "how" women "are")
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Old September 30, 2005, 10:26 AM   #64
big daddy 9mm
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If you are really concerned than do it but.....

I do not go to the gym and I am a guy so..... I fell pretty safe with a loaded 12
gauge under my bed until I can ccw.....
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Old September 30, 2005, 11:52 AM   #65
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Suppose JSP is right and the number one threat to his life is the cops. It is possible. (I mean look at NO, they jumped in on the looting). Some of the worst traffic offenders I have ever known, all cops. Why? They wont get a ticket, everyone is like Bull****, if a cop speeds we give them a ticket. It's not always true, I've seen cops get out of tickets with a badge, hell I've heard of their wives getting out of tickets to. Back to the point, if the cops were the number one threat to his life, should he make preparations to defend his life?

No one, the pope, cops, me, you are infallible and immune to corruption or gross negligence.

And some one said prejudice of cops is bigotry, it is but with all the bigotry on gun boards reguarding minorities, people of different political ideologies and fits right in.

Me I respect the police for what they do, and fear them for what they are more than capable of. A piece of aluminum and a gun doesnt make you an honest person, your heart does.
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Old October 1, 2005, 02:18 AM   #66
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Don't get distracted thinking I have any fear, paranoia or dislike of the police. I don't.

The point I'm trying to make is that there are people on this board who are whack. Close to bonkers. And they state statistics and one in a million chances to justify their unnatural preoccupation with being armed at all times. Well, if we're going to use statistics to try to justify an abnormal lifestyle, then lets just go with the flow. The police analogy has just enough unintentional and probably accidental validity to make a point, if that's what a person is looking to do. Similarly, why aren't we marching on the Vatican and stoning the Pope to death? Statistics could be looked at in a way that can justify it, since they're all raping little boys anyway. Aren't they?

I think some of the people posting here are just plain scary. Kool-Aid drinking little nut jobs. And I'm not neccessarily talking about the original post in this thread.

Second to my unease with some people's lifestyle choices, is my utter amusement at how the slightest sniff of disagreement with this lifestyle leads to ad hominum attacks and a breakdown in the ability to analyze the written word.

Do people not see that they have long ago become a tool of the gun, not the other way around? If these threads had the word firearm removed and the word 'wallet' inserted, what then? Your wallet is useful. You generally have it with you everywhere you go? Its unsightly and you wear it hidden. But if you started posting that you were trying to figure out how to always have a wallet stashed in every room, needed to have it even on the beach, had to have 50 different versions or were trying to make sure you had one in the shower with you, you'd be seen as a kook. How much more with something that can deliver death instantaneously?

People tend to distrust and ridicule people who act odd. They fear people who act odd and have a fascination with instruments of death.

If you then go further and group yourselves together under the leadership of a guy who preaches the battle at the end of the world and bury school buses in your backyard, you might not be surprised that your neighbors start to wonder about you and the BATF shows up.

But carry on. Feel free to be odd. But don't be surprised if mainstream society giggles at you. Even other people who actually appreciate weapons for lots of non-addictive reasons.
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Old October 1, 2005, 02:45 AM   #67
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Ohhhh, Thats what they mean when they say to shower with a buddy.
BANG------------ >>> !
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Old October 1, 2005, 02:51 AM   #68
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Hahaha. One guy keeps a look out while the other washes the shampoo out of his hair?
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Old October 1, 2005, 03:09 AM   #69
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I note with genuine but wry amusement that the accusation of ad hominems comes from a person whose entire post is itself, by precise definition, an ad hominem.

Although I have to admit, jsp98m3, I agree with you: some people are nut jobs. But who gets to be the one holding the definition book?


I'm not as paranoid as you tell everybody I am. -- Steven Wright
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Old October 1, 2005, 03:14 AM   #70
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Do people not see that they have long ago become a tool of the gun, not the other way around?
Well gol dang it time for a poll!

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Old October 1, 2005, 03:38 AM   #71
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I'm curious to know if you even know what "ad hominum" <sic> means?
An Ad Hominem is an attack on the arguer, rather than on the argument... which you seem to decry in your post, yet half of the very same post is in fact an Ad Hominem attack.

What other people think of me is probably the LAST argument that will sway my opinion. If CHL holders worried about that we would never have obtained a CHL. The rest of the world won't "giggle" at me if I happen to have a gun in the locked bathroom while I shower, because the only person who will ever know if I do (aside from my wife) is the badguy who gets shot with it. If I am ever forced to defend me and mine with a weapon I kept handy in the bathroom, rather than a fool, I would be seen as a man of wisdom and foresight.

I would also point out that you seem to be trying to protect people from themselves... the exact stance most anti-gun activists take. You know what's good for the people on this board better than they do.

I would also point ot that logically carrying/ having available 100% of the time, in the shower, during sex or whatever is actually what makes sense... it makes no logical sense to have a weapon handy at some times and not others. Consider:

Carrying a concealed weapon is an attempt to defend against an event that is already extremely unlikely. It is unlikely that you will be ambushed walking to your car after work, yet no one here would think twice about someone carrying a firearm to defend against this possibility. It is also extremely unlikely that you will be ambushed in your shower, yet the concept of defending yourself there has generated some heated debate. Logically, if you have already gone to some effort and expense to defent against an extremely unlikely event, why would you protect yourself from one such event, but not another? I would argue that such behavior is similar to stocking your survival kit with equipment to protect yourself from chemical, but not biological, weapons. Both are unlikley, but if you're going to prepare for one why not the other as well?

Second to my unease with some people's lifestyle choices, is my utter amusement at how the slightest sniff of disagreement with this lifestyle leads to ad hominum attacks and a breakdown in the ability to analyze the written word.
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Old October 1, 2005, 03:40 AM   #72
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Although I have to admit, jsp98m3, I agree with you: some people are nut jobs. But who gets to be the one holding the definition book?
Everyone. That's the point. The original poster asked 'the public' if he was being paranoid. Many don't think so. Many do. Now you might say I'm a fence sitter when it comes to weapons. I've got more than the average American, I suspect. But not what I would consider going over the edge into collecting. I have an AR-15 for no particular reason other than I thought I should make a statement against unreasonably restricting long guns based on nothing but looks. I have a Ruger 10/22 for plinking. I have a BHP for the love of the craftsmanship and home defense. I also have a FEG .380 and a Raven .25 because I got them within the last 6 weeks as a thank you for cleaning up a whole pile of mostly mediocre pistols. I don't need them but they seem to funcion and have their own little charm. I do not see the need to own 6 examples of a 1911. Especially all alike or nearly so. But it doesn't bother me that some people do have multiple copies of the same thing.

I just have an opinion. People that are afraid to take a shower without a gun IN THERE WITH THEM are paranoid unless they live in a very, very bad neighborhood. In my opinion, which is as good as anyone else's. In another one of those opinions I have, I think society owes it to itself to speak up and tell people they might be standing a little close to the third rail of societal behaviour.

I used to be a staunch supporter of CCW but since coming onto this forum, I'm not more than cautiously neutral. There are some people I just can't see having a weapon in public.

Maybe there should be a system for CCW like driving licenses? First 6 months, you can have a starter pistol. Then you can have a .17 airgun, then .22 short. By year 10, if you haven't gone loopy, you can get a .45

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Old October 1, 2005, 03:52 AM   #73
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tanksoldier, I don't have any intention of defending people against themselves. Want to blow your own head off? Come on over, I'll give you ammo. So no, I don't care what you do to yourself. I do have a concern about people who move farther and farther outide of the mainstream until they get to the point that they become an unintentional and unnoticed danger to society.

Besides, if you carry a pistol in the shower, don't you have to clean and oil it when you get out? Then you stink like solvent and gun oil. Then you have to take another shower. Then you have to clean and oil the gun. Then you......

Now I have to get on to other ad hominM&Ms
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Old October 1, 2005, 03:55 AM   #74
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To get back on topic, no it is not paranoid, lots of good reasons for doing so.

Ms Sreising: kicking a guy in the cajones will not always stop them, I know I was kicked there by a young women in cowboys boots when I used to bounce at a bar, Yes i did drop her boyfriend who was being 86'd but i did not fall to the floor and I was able to head slap her twice with sap before the other guys pulled me off her. Did it hurt? yup like a mofo, was I able to survive it and respond? you betcha. Pound for pound you may be tough as nails, but you go head to head with a guy who is trying to hurt you, and you will loose. guranteed. I am not boasting or calling you out, I am just trying to tell you that is the truth. I am glad you are here and willing to talk with us. you can probably outshoot me/most of us. I just do not want you to think men have a turn off button that you can kick once and we are done. Most of the time too, it is almost impossible to get a kick to connect there if the guy is attacking, we are very good at protecting outselves there and trying to kick us is going to get us very mad.
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Old October 1, 2005, 03:56 AM   #75
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I would also point ot that logically carrying/ having available 100% of the time, in the shower, during sex or whatever is actually what makes sense.
Umm SWMBO aint gonna like that...

"Why you holding gun now in romantic time stupid old man, I go back to Japan and you lose this wife, no one change your diaper when you are 80"

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